Thursday, December 3, 2009

Italian translations

I went on Word Reference today to figure out how to say Merry Christmas and Happy New Year in Italian. When I looked on the "happy" entry, and the sentence examples, I got this:

happy adj (having pleasure) contento, felice, allegro, sereno agg
I was happy last spring when we were dating.
Ero contento la scorsa primavera quando ci frequentavamo.

happy adj (pleased) felice, contento agg
I'm happy you came.
Sono felice che tu sia venuto.

happy adj (fulfilled) felice, sereno agg
I suspect I'll never be happy in this life.
Ho il sospetto che non sarĂ² mai felice in questa vita.

I guess the poor person who wrote these sentences was somewhat love-sick. Let's offer a prayer for them.
Source: Word Reference

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